Friday, December 31, 2010

Flying Visit to the South Coast

I have just returned from a visit to my family south of Sydney. It is a bit over ten hours drive. I stayed with my mother and sister and her family. Two days is long enough to go over all the usual old stuff and not long enough to rekindle old grudges. It was good in other ways to. I had forgotten how spectacular the NSW coast is. It has encouraged me to take more trips to explore it a more leisurely fashion, maybe a few long weekends. What do you think?

The weather wasn't great but I did take a couple of photos.
Gerringong Beach

Seaside Bridge North of Wollongong

Mum and I on the Bridge

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Just one more sleep. Christmas will be a little lonely this year. I'm spending with my partner's eighty year old father. Cathy is in America for a month travelling, she's back early January. I miss her madly, but I know she loves to travel, it's stuff she has to do. Anyway Ross and I get on well. We'll have a few drinks and he will no doubt, regale me with stories of his life at sea. I have heard a fair few of them, but I must admit, they are entertaining.

The girl with the beautiful smile

I'm biased I know but Cathy's smile lights up any room and my whole life. She is the type of person who insists on a kiss every morning before I go to work, regardless if I'm in a hurry or running late. What I would give for one right now. The last thing she said two weeks ago as we parted was "I love you". Her voice saying that to me is the sweetest sound imaginable. I will continue to replay it in my mind until she is back with me.

I've only had a few brief emails since she left as she is travelling and mostly camping. No phones or Internet. She has promised to call Christmas morning. I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid. Just one more sleep. Jippee

Have a joyous Christmas Cathy, all my love will be with you.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fingal Headland and Cook Island

I went for a short drive today to Fingal Headland. It is about 7km north of Kingscliff and was named by Capt Cook in 1770. Although there is some controversy about the naming of this landmark and Point Danger among local historians.

It is a realy beautiful spot, a must see when you visit the Tweed Coast.

Cook Island


Fingal Beach Looking Noth to the Gold Coast


The Pillars and Causeway 

Pandanus Palms Looking South

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Vegetable Garden

Since we moved back to the farm about 18 months ago we have restablished the vegetable patch at least three times. We make a really good start, cleaning it up and I promise to maintain it. You guessed it, invariably it ends up like this in a couple of months. I seem to remember my report cards having comments like, "A more sustained effort required". Lifes a bit like that I guess, this time however, I am making a determined effort.

So far I have weeded it and rotary hoed it. Yes I know there is no excuse I have all the gear at my finger tips and I know what to do. But this time it will be different! Tomorrow I'll get some sugar cane straw from one of the local cane farms and apply a really thick mulch all over to stop the weeds. There are a few bales on the left of the picture. Then start to plant, might start with some salady things..


We have really rich volcanic soil here in the Tweed Valley, the area we live in is called the Cudgen plateaux. I guess we are about 1.5 km from the beach. The shed at the end of the garden is the fowl pen, the home of Cathy's girls.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Love of My Life

Cathy has helped me recover my soul which had been sorely battered by poor life and business decisions.  She has stood by me and supported me and loved me and I know it hasn't been easy. I owe her so very much for showing me that to be truly happy we must make others happy, especially those we love.

To Cathy with all my love.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Camera Practice

I was just looking out at the garden and observed a pair of butterflies hovering. One flew off but I caught this one. I don't know the species, someone may be able to help me there.