Monday, December 20, 2010

The Vegetable Garden

Since we moved back to the farm about 18 months ago we have restablished the vegetable patch at least three times. We make a really good start, cleaning it up and I promise to maintain it. You guessed it, invariably it ends up like this in a couple of months. I seem to remember my report cards having comments like, "A more sustained effort required". Lifes a bit like that I guess, this time however, I am making a determined effort.

So far I have weeded it and rotary hoed it. Yes I know there is no excuse I have all the gear at my finger tips and I know what to do. But this time it will be different! Tomorrow I'll get some sugar cane straw from one of the local cane farms and apply a really thick mulch all over to stop the weeds. There are a few bales on the left of the picture. Then start to plant, might start with some salady things..


We have really rich volcanic soil here in the Tweed Valley, the area we live in is called the Cudgen plateaux. I guess we are about 1.5 km from the beach. The shed at the end of the garden is the fowl pen, the home of Cathy's girls.

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